Wellll Shooot. I cannot believe that my freshman year of college is already over and that I will no longer be in my freshman ward with all my freshman friends and dating freshman guys surrounded by freshman eating in the cannon everyday.....this is not ok. I have had too many fun and crazy experiences to even talk about all of them in this post, but I will try to share a few with pictures. I am going to miss my cute little dorm room with my cute roommate. I am the LUCKIEST girl when it comes to roommates and friends in my hall. I cannot even imagine living with any other girls. My roommate is perfect for me and is always such an example to me. I look back at just a year ago when I was graduating high school and thinking about the huge new life step I was about to jump into, and I was sooooo scared thinking about moving across country away from my family. I could not of asked for a more perfect year and I am so grateful for this experience and how much I have grown as a student and a person. Here are just some of the fun things and people that I have met this year. I hope that I will look back on this year and remember what an awesome experience it has been. This post is for your freshman year. Thanks for being a year I will never forget.
BYU vs. Utah Football game tailgate
One trend that you might notice is that I voluntarily take embarrassing pictures of myself.........
My mommy came to visit me about two months in to college and it was THE BEST DAY EVER! I never thought I would miss my family so freakin much!
We found this cute place that serves mocktails so we went there to celebrate Harly's birthday.....of coarse that meant dressing up cute and taking lots of pictures
This is one of my favorite pictures ever! We always have to take a silly picture wherever we go because look at us......we take great silly pictures! my favorite is my lovely roommate Kember. She has a talent for that face she makes.
One date I went on was a murder mystery and we had to dress up as elves......my date ended up being the murder. I'm not sure how I feel about that.
Another perfect moment for a silly picture. I mustache you a question......
Look at those faces again....We are so good at that!
My friend Lindsey's hair looks luscious and perfect everyday so she started doing it to my hair and also doing my makeup...I have to admit she makes me look pretty good :)
I think this picture is just so cute. We all went on a group date when Kember's sister was here. It was a lot of fun and fun to have Kamri here with us too.
This is when we went to see Divine Comedy's tech show. I love laughing so Divine Comedy is my favorite. Every show I have gone to I have cried of laughter at least once! I love it!
This is when we went to see the Hunger Games at MIDNIGHT! We went to three midnight premieres this year and they were all so fun! There is something about going to see a movie at midnight with all your girlfriends that just makes everything better.
This is going to sound weird but my favorite late night place to eat is the hospital. They have a little cafe that has the BEST grilled cheese and fries and you can get it for about three dollars. I probably went there like twenty times this year! I could eat a grilled cheese from there everyday and be happy! Give me a grilled cheese from the hospital and a chicken cordon bleu from the cannon and I would be set.........and probably overweight :/
What is a freshman year at BYU without going to festival of colors? It is a weird feeling not being able to breathe because there is color dust everywhere but it was cool i guess....it is definitely something everyone needs to experience
We couldn't pass up this picture opportunity because everyone looked hot!
I got to go to St. George for easter with my friend Bri and her family. It was so much fun and such a cool place. One of the things we did was hike Angel's Landing and Zions National Park. It was probably one of the coolest things I have ever done! I want to definitely do that again someday!
Sam loves to take pictures with my phone so this is just another picture moment at the hospital :)
The last week of school I found my favorite place ever. Its called Hang Time but it is just full of trampolines and foam pits! I had so much fun there and wish I could go all the time.
Here are my favorite girls. We all live on 3200 David John. I could not of gotten any luckier with the girls that live on my floor and I hope that we can all stay friends forever.
These are my wonderful suite mates. We decided to be all cute and match and some might make fun but I think it is cute! I will love these girls FOREVER!
We decided to put Justin Bieber tattoos on? haha cute
One of our other new loves is taking picture with the photo booth on our computers. Most of them are way too embarrassing to put on the internet but occasionally we take a normal cute one. Way to go guys....we actually can take normal pictures.
Sometimes Bri pretends she doesn't love me but I know she does. Most the time I just leave her speechless though...
The saddest part about the end of freshman year is saying goodbye to all the boys. They will all be leaving on missions now so we won't see them for two years but I know they will be awesome missionaries!
Here we are saying goodbye to some of the boys in our ward :(
I was privileged enough to get a Big D tattoo from Big D himself. How lucky am I.....
This is just the saddest picture ever. I truly thought this year would last forever and truthfully I kinda wanted it to. Sadly I had to move out so next year some new freshman girls can move in and hopefully have the same awesome experience I did. 3222 David John Hall is full of so many memories it was hard to let go. I know that next year will be just as fun and be full of new experiences and challenges. The end of my freshman year at BYU is just the end of a beginning.
YOU POSTED! love it!